After Migrating to OPNSense I’ve really been impressed with it’s improvements over pfSense in various areas. I will repeat that I have nothing against pfSense, but OPNSense continues to surprise me the more I poke around and discover some of it’s unique features. Today we will take a quick look at one of my favorite features of OPNSense: the Search Bar!

There’s not much to talk about other than the fact that it is super useful for finding some of those hidden menu items.
- No more spending minutes trying to browse the menus for that one page you remember seeing but cannot seem to find anymore.
- No more having to search the pfSense documentation or forum for finding the location of a specific setting.
Fuzzy Searching Works:

One limitation is that individual settings are not displayed (only settings ‘pages’ are)
For example, if i search for Hardware acceleration
does not reveal the System > Settings > Miscellaneous