Discovering OPNSense: Search Bar


After Migrating to OPNSense I’ve really been impressed with it’s improvements over pfSense in various areas. I will repeat that I have nothing against pfSense, but OPNSense continues to surprise me the more I poke around and discover some of it’s unique features. Today we will take a quick look at one of my favorite features of OPNSense: the Search Bar!

OPNSense Search Bar

There’s not much to talk about other than the fact that it is super useful for finding some of those hidden menu items.

  • No more spending minutes trying to browse the menus for that one page you remember seeing but cannot seem to find anymore.
  • No more having to search the pfSense documentation or forum for finding the location of a specific setting.

Fuzzy Searching Works:


One limitation is that individual settings are not displayed (only settings ‘pages’ are)

For example, if i search for Hardware acceleration does not reveal the System > Settings > Miscellaneous page:

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Discovering & Migrating to OPNsense from pfSense


I’ve been happily using pfSense for a few years now and have generally been quite happy with it’s performance and feature set, however I learned recently that the installation files that can be downloaded from the pfSense website is not the same code that is open sourced on Github. I try to stay away from the arguments about which software is ‘more’ open source friendly, but I do like to support the projects that are committed to a FOSS (Free and Open Source) model without up-selling additional features. I don’t have anything against up-selling additional features, but IMO up-selling additional features can lead to a neglected core product.

pfSense – Thank You

I am not leaving pfSense because I didn’t like the project, but because I wanted to try something new that is more committed to an Open Source future. pfSense is a great solution for any networking enthusiast, and I would not hesitate to recommend it. However, as you will see below, I would first recommend OPNsense for a few main reasons…

  • Full-featured email notifications (pfSense had some email notifications but they were severely limited)
  • A search for settings (IMO, the pfSense menus were poorly organized)
  • Reports (pfSense has some summary statistics & status pages, but no all-in-one way to generate reports on a wide range of network statistics)
  • TOTP Two Factor authentication login (pfSense may now support this?)
  • Event-based automation (pfSense had a Watchdog package that would restart services, but was limited)
  • Official API (pfSense had unofficial APIs and hacks, but nothing full-featured)
  • Home Assistant integration (pfSense did have a HACS integration, but it required additional hacks to setup)
  • Nextcloud Configuration Backups

OPNSense – The Future is Now

I’ve always wondered about OPNsense and if it could offer some of the things I often wanted in pfSense but could not easily achieve, and so far I have been very pleasantly pleased with the installation & configuration.


Installation was straightforward (although I installed it in a Proxmox VM):

  • Download ISO from OPNsense website & upload ISO to Proxmox server
  • Create a new Proxmox VM:
  • Attach ISO to VM & start VM
  • Follow the installation wizard & tips on the OPNsense documentation.
  • Finish the rest of the configuration in the OPNsense web GUI (Default user/password: root/opnsense)

Migrating from pfSense

The most daunting task that I was dreading was figuring out how to migrate to OPNsense from pfSense with minimal downtime. I had heard of a slight possibility that certain sections of pfSense configuration backups could be imported into OPNsense, but I decided to avoid that route in order to start with as clean of an OPNsense installation as possible. My migration path was:

  • Step through each menu in pfSense and update the corresponding setting in OPNsense
    • Some configuration items didn’t exist like the awesome pfBlocker (I will miss this)
    • When I came to the ‘Interfaces’ section, I setup each interface with a different (temporary) static IP
  • After all configuration items were finished, I began to shut down services on pfSense and enable them on OPNSense one at a time (i.e., disable dhcp on LAN, and enable LAN DHCP on OPNSense with same lease range)
  • Finally I disabled the interfaces on pfSense and re-configured the static IP addresses on the OPNSense interfaces to match how they were configured in pfSense.

The Features I’ve Always Wanted!

Full-featured Email Notifications, Reporting, Settings Search, Home Assistant Integration…

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